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[email protected]
0845 4503704

Postal Address

Ireland - Solv-x 20 park street Dundalk Co Louth
Tel 1890 207 207

NI - Solv-x 112 camlough Rd Newry Co Down BT35 7EE Tel 028 30868486

GB - Solv-x Adamson House Towers Business Park Wilmslow Road DIDSBURY M20 2YY

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By submitting this form, you are giving us permission to use the information provided to respond to your enquiry. This information will only be used to fulfil the enquiry and will not be stored. We’ll handle your information in line with our Privacy Policy.
By submitting this form, you are giving us permission to use the information provided to respond to your enquiry. This information will only be used to fulfil the enquiry and will not be stored. We’ll handle your information in line with our Privacy Policy.