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1. DEFINITIONS “SOLV-X” means SOLV-X Products Limited (Registered No. 312934)

“SOLV-X Products Limited” is the trading name “Solv-X” is the registered Trademark, of SOLV-X Products Limited. “the conditions” mean the conditions specified herein. “Contract” means the individual, firm or company contracting with SOLV-X. “Goods” means goods the subject of a contract between SOLV-X and the customer. “Order” means an order of “Goods” under a contract.


A) A Contract shall be governed exclusively by the conditions Accordingly (i) in the event of any conflict between the conditions and the standard conditions of trading of the customer, the former shall apply exclusion of the latter and (ii) in the event of any conflict between the conditions and the prior communings of SOLV-X and the customer, the former shall apply to the exclusion of the latter.

B) Any variation of the conditions by the customer shall be in writing signed by or on behalf of both SOLV-X and the customer.

3. QUOTATIONS Quotations by SOLV-X are merely invitations to treat, and accordingly do not constitute offers to sell


A) Goods shall be supplied within a reasonable time of receipt of order. Orders may not be cancelled by the customer but SOLV-X reserve the right to refuse to supply a customer with all or any goods.

B) Goods shall be supplied at the price ruling at the time of despatch.

C) All orders are accepted subject to the availability of Goods. SOLV-X shall have the right to make Deliveries of orders in part where delivery in full cannot, as a result of unavailability of Goods, be made.

D) The Customer may not return any Goods supplied hereunder unless:

i) it is been notified to SOLV-X in writing within 5 days of the date of receipt by the Customer of the Goods of any defect in, or damage to the Goods.

ii) it is established to the reasonable satisfaction of SOLV-X that such Goods are defective or damaged.

iii) The defect of damage is attributable to the fault or negligence of SOLV-X’s employee’s, agent’s or carriers.

iv) (where the defect or damage is easily remediable) It has given SOLV-X reasonable opportunity to remedy the defect or repair the damage

v) it has agreed with SOLV-X a time and a date for return of such goods, and the above shall be cumulative requirements

E) The customer shall be deemed to have accepted that the Goods supplied by Solv-X Products Ltd are in accordance with the terms of the relevant order in all aspects, unless the Customer notifies SOLV-X Products Ltd of any such discrepancy within 48 hours of the delivery of the Goods in question to the premises of the Customer at which it was agreed delivery was to be made.

5 RISK Risk in Goods including Fixtures and fittings supplied on free loan shall pass from SOLV-X to the customer at the earlier of the following times, namely (i) the moment when the goods are delivered into the hands of the customer’s carriers and (ii) the moment when goods are delivered to the Customer at which it was agreed would be made. Where goods are returned by the Customer they shall remain at risk of the Customer until received by SOLV-X at its premises and such receipt is acknowledged by an authorised employee of SOLV-X.


(A) Title to goods the subject of a supply shall not pass from SOLV-X to the Customer until all sums due from the customer to SOLV-X on whatever grounds shall have been paid in full. Fixtures and fittings supplied by Solv-X to the customer on free loan remain the property of Solv-X and may be reclaimed at any time if Solv-X feel the fixtures and fittings are being misused. Unless Solv-X give written agreement of otherwise, fixtures and fittings supplied by Solv-X are only to be used for products supplied by Solv-X.

(i) Where title goods has not been passed to the Customer SOLV-X shall be entitled to call upon the Customer to return them at any time upon the occurrence of any events specified in Condition 10 below. In the event of the customer failing to comply with a call for the return of Goods SOLV-X shall be entitled to enter the premises of the customer to uplift the goods the title to which has not passed to the customer and the customer shall permit (or shall procure the permission by third of parties of) such entry,


(A) Subject to the sub cause (E) hereof, the customer shall pay in full on invoice in respect of a Supply within 30 days of the end of the calendar month in which the Goods are supplied to the Customer or such other date as SOLV-X may specify in writing

(B) Where the customer fails to pay an invoice in accordance with sub clause (A) above. SOLV-X reserves the right to notify a customer in writing that interest of 3% above base rate of Bank of England on the unpaid amount shall accrue from day to day, until payment has been made in full

(C) The Customer shall not under any circumstances be entitles to withhold payment under an invoice, or set-off any amount due under an invoice against any amount alleged to be owed by SOLV-X unless the Customer, whether in respect of the same supply or in respect of another supply or otherwise.

D) The Customer shall be deemed to accept the total amount due specified in any invoice issued by SOLV-X unless the customer notified SOLV-X that it does not accept such amount within15 days of the issue by SOLV-X of the first statement to the Customer or otherwise

(E) SOLV-X reserves the right to demand immediate repayment of the amount due to SOLV-X, under any invoice raised in respect of a Supply, in the event of a Customer becoming, in the opinion of SOLV-X formed on reasonable grounds , unable to pay debts as they fail due.

8 WARRANTY No warranty as to the fitness of Goods for a particular purpose is given by SOLV-X unless intimation writing that the Goods are to be bought for a particular purpose has been given by a Customer to SOLV-X and SOLV-X has accepted such intimation in writing. Before using , User shall determine the suitability of the product for his intended use and uses assumes all risk and liability whatsoever in connection therewith. The foregoing may not be charged except by an agreement signed by officers of sellers and manufacturer. All other warranties which may be lawfully excluded are hereby excluded. This warranty shall be the full extent of SOLV-X’s liability hereunder and SOLV-X accordingly disclaims all other liability for loss or damage howsoever caused arising out of the purchase, possession, use or resale by customer of the goods provided that nothing herein shall exclude the liability of SOLV-X for death or personal injury resulting directly from the fault or negligence of SOLV-X, it employee’s or agents.

9 FORCE MAJUERE SOLV-X shall not be under any liability to the Customer for any loss suffered by the customer arising our of the failure of SOLV-X to fulfil its obligations hereunder, where such failure is due to events outwith the control of SOLV-X (which events shall include, but shall not be limited to, acts of God, War, Civil unrest, strike. Lock-out or other industrial actions and transport failure)

10 TERMINATION SOLV-X may by summary notice given verbally or in writing terminate a Contract on the happening of any of the following events:-

(A) where the customer is an individual or a firm

(i) the presentation of a petition or the sequestration of the estate of the Customer

(ii) the customer’s becoming, in the opinion of SOLV-X formed on reasonable ground, unable to pay its debts as they fall due

(B) where the customer is a company

(i) the making of an order, or passing of a resolution, for winding up to the customer (other than for the Purpose of reconstruction previously approved in writing by SOLV-X)

(ii) the appointment of a receiver or administrator of any property of the Customer

(iii) the proposal of a voluntary arrangement under Part 1 of the insolvency Act. in respect of the affairs of the customer

(iv) the cessation by the customer from making payment generally on its debts legally due

(v) the customers becoming unable to pay its debts within the meaning of the insolvency Act and, where the contract is so terminated SOLV-X may, without prejudicing any of its other rights and without exposing itself to liability to the customer thereby, suspend or withhold delivery of an stop goods in transit

11 TERMS OF PURCHASE Where SOLV-X is a purchaser the terms under which SOLV-X enters into a purchasing contract can be obtained on request

12 LAW TO JURISDICTION (A) The conditions and any contract shall be construed and given effect to according to UK Law (B) The customer/supplier relationship hereby prorogates to the exclusive jurisdiction of UK Laws